Together We Bring The Most Out Of Each Property

Meet Tim Barker, Founder Of Barker Brand New

At Barker Brothers Real Estate, we combine energetic customer service and aptitude to locate and negotiate the ideal property for our clients. Through our partnership with Palomar Property Services, Inc., we provide advantage in terms of visibility, leverage and exposure. In this way, we confidently understand the full range of opportunities and carefully close in on the few that meet our clients’ criteria.


We Renovate To Bring Life Into The Property


We Upgrade Properties To Sell For More


We Elevate Properties To Become Turnkey

View Some "Barker Brand New" Projects


Explore Our "Barker Brand New" Services


House renovation involves making significant changes or improvements to a residential property, typically including repairs, upgrades, and aesthetic enhancements to enhance its value, functionality, or appearance.

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House construction refers to the process of building a new residential structure from the ground up, involving various stages such as site preparation, foundation laying, framing, and finishing, ultimately creating a habitable dwelling.

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Add On

A house add-on is an additional structure or extension built onto an existing home to expand its living space, functionality, or amenities, often tailored to meet the specific needs or preferences of the homeowners or future renters.

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Brand New Build

A house brand new build refers to the construction of a completely new residential property from scratch, typically involving architectural design, site preparation, and construction of a dwelling that has never been occupied before.

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